Vet Blog

We Can't Stop Smiling! Because...

January 01, 2021

We have donated $1,500 to the California Veterinary Medical Reserve Corps (CAVMRC) Disaster Relief Fund.

This amazing group of doctors, veterinary technicians, assistants, and students had been deployed to volunteer their time to assist with the rescue and care of the pets affected by the California Camp Fire. Here are some statistics:

  • 313 CAVMRC volunteers deployed to assist
  • 2,700 animals between all shelter locations are being monitored by the CAVMRC
  • 30 volunteer veterinary hospitals receiving sick and injured animals from the CAVMRC for care
  • 361 12-hour shifts covered by CAVMRC volunteers
  • 400+ animals receiving extensive and/or ongoing treatment by the CAVMRC (burns, illness, etc.)

Through our new Big Red Doghouse Foundation (BRDF), and the generous support of our clients registered for our Client Rewards Program, we have donated 1% of all those invoices to be able to make this happen. This is the third $1,500 gift from the BRDF since the program began in February 2018. Our entire Health Care Team is super-excited to be making a bigger difference in the world of pets!

To learn more about CAVMRC, click here to visit their website.

Don’t have time to bring your fur baby in for a visit?

Ask us about our drop-off services.
